Well this morning I sat down to fiqure out the finances, man do I hate bills. It's going to be tight this month but we'll manage, God will make sure of that! :) Everytime I pay a bill that I just didn't see any possibility paying that week I praise God cuz I know if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have been able to pay it. Charlie's job is such a God send that I feel horrible and ungrateful when I mess up the finances. I just feel like I'm telling God that I don't appreciate what he's givin' us but I do, I know that we could be having it alot worse and the He is keeping that devil at bay. I also know that since we are trying very hard that he will try to knock us down even more. Please pray that we don't give into his snares! This has been laying on me since yesturday and I need to say something. I know last weekend was memorial day but we didn't go to church, yesturday at church they showed the pictures of the veterans and current military men and women, our pastor was saying that memorial day is about show all military respect, my thought was "how are we showing respect when this country that our military has fought for and still protecting today is in the shape that it's in? They did not and do not fight wars for us to treat our country the way we have." Our lost soldiers fought for freedom for us but to misuse what we have and it's sad to know that we all have put this country and ourselves in danger.
On another note, there are some prayer requests: 3 gentlman that Charlie works with have some health issues, 1 is in the hospital now and we don't know what's wrong with him so pray that everything is ok there, 1 just got out of the hospital last week (I requested prayer for him a week or so ago)he had a blood vessel burst in his head which caused his nose to keep bleeding he's suppose to return to work on thursday so pray that he's recovering correctly, the other one I also asked for a prayer, he had quite abit of infection drained from his groin area a couple of weeks ago but he's still not feeling good, he goes for a ultra sound tomorrow so please pray that it turns out to be something simple. These are really good fellas who care alot about people and they need some protection. Thank you.
Have a blessed day!
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