Saturday, May 30, 2009


Our poor kitty just gets to sit at the window while we are all outside :(. "this stinks" says O'malley
Rojo had a blast outside like he always does. He loves to roll in the grass. No wonder I fights with fleas every summer.

Leesha had a little friend come over for awhile and they played ball. She loves having "company".

Robby got the job of cleaning out the car. Well as of november it's going to be his car so he better learn how to take care of it. hehehehe!

Before Charlie could do the weekly mowing he had to sharpen the blades. I'm so glad he loves his new toy. He bought a john deere a couple of weeks ago.

This is my only flower that I got this year but that's ok they are a little expensive.

Robby and I decided to do some herbs this year. The two in pots are chives and thyme. I hope they do ok.

Sorry I deleted my pic :(

These are 2 cucumbers hills. One is just regular cucumbers and the other one is my pickling cucumbers.

This is what we got done on saturday afternoon. Here's the pic of our garden that we put out, it has lots of tomato plants, we put out some eggplant, green peppers, green onions, and Robby and I found purple sweet peppers, oh yeah and there's fennel in there too. Over on the other side we planted a row of potatoes.
Hope everyone has a blessed and enjoyable weekend.

Busy evening last night and my daughter

Man I was wiped last night! Robby had a weight lifting max out last night at the high school. The family members got go watch the boys and girls lift weights and then we sponsored them, so much per pound lifted. It was hot in there and then it started raining :(. Oh well he ended up getting 35.00 in donations for the football team and weight room so it was worth it. There were alot of white fuzzies floating in the air which set off my sinus', my nose was killing me when I left.
My babies only have 4 days left of school, YEAH!! I love when they are home, but then they get bored and think that they need to go somewhere everyday, boy that's kids for ya uh? Leesha had some difficulty in school this year but we are sending her to third grade anyways, I got her on this website to get her some help this summer ( I think I'm going to have go through the second grade lessons again) then next year she'll work on this to go with what she's learning in school. Extra help! We have a rule that if they don't keep their grades up then they don't get to play sports so she can't play softball this summer, she really doesn't mind though which kinda worries me she has her daddy's attitude "OH WELL". I hope she don't keep it though, I'm trying to get her to setup goals for herself but she's not that interested. It aggravates me though, we study spelling words everyday (tuesday through friday morning) and she knows them when she gets on the bus and most of the time she'll bring home her test with 1 or 2 wrong, I got to the point where I told her that if she missed any she would lose her tv that's in her room. Boy she still trys to push her luck though. Silly kid :) I'm sure she'll get together though. She's definatly my little angel.
This weekend we are putting out the rest of our garden (in this economy we are putting out everything we can) then it's church tomorrow and a graduation party in the afternoon.
Have a blessed weekend and I'll catch monday morning

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Good afternoon

Man have I been busy, I didn't get to study my bible the way I like to but I have a friend in need so I think I needed to be there for her. Prayer request: I have a very good friend that is going through a really rough time financially and emotionally right now and needs some prayers. She's thinking about divorcing her husband and really needs some clarification on what to do. So please send up a prayer for Jesus to show her how He wants her to handle this.
I did manage to get some cleaning done today and finished up my laundry. I'm hearing that alot of people have gotten water in their house. Not good. Our basement has been dry but I've not noticed any real heavy down pours either.

I need to go and pick up the kids
Have a blessed evening!

Music list

Good morning world. I just added a new gadget to my blog, please check out the music at the bottom. I'm off to study my bible and I'll be back later today to add some more stuff

God bless and have a great day!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just a few thoughts

I've been reading a book (yes I can read books and a computer what a mulittasker I'am :)). It's called Between Women of God by Donna Otto. It's a book about mentoring to other women. I've not had alot of positive influence in my life as far as women speaking openly to me about marriage and hardships just general things us women feel and go through. This book is about taking the time to be open and honest with other women about the things that you have gone through and the feelings that you've had and sharing them with other women as encouragment that they are not alone. I wish that I would have been able to have more positive influence in my life with the things that I have gone through. So to all you out there, find someone who needs to hear that they are not alone in this female world, that someone else has gone through things just as them and have had the same feelings as they are. Alot of times we are to embarrassed to admit the things we have gone through or the feelings that we have had. Please know that every feeling and everything that we have gone through can be used in positive ways to help someone else.
God bless you

What a weekend

These are photos of Robby and his buddies paintballing on Sunday. We celebrated his birthday which was back in November, we wanted to go then but it got so cold so quick we didn't make it so we done this weekend. They had a ball! Charlie and one of the other boys' dad went with them and Leesha and I cooked and then walked around taking photos. These photos were taken in the end pow fort, these boys had a blast. Robby and one of the other boys cornered Mr. Adkins and made him surrendor. Then one photo of the satilite was what they called "the radio tower" pretty cool uh? This park that we went to is battlezone. It's a christian park for paintball. Beautiful place and it's not that far from us. Here's the website if ya would like to go. you would definatly enjoy this.
Have a blessed day everyone and I'll see again soon :)

These photos are in the wrong order but hey what do ya expect from a newbie!?! We'll start from the bottom, this is my son Robby with his drivers permit (happy little man isn't he?), the next one is of him taking his test at the BMV, the third is him right after he got his permit we made him drive, the fourth one is dad acting like Robby just scared him. I'll have to admit there were a few scary moments while he was driving. :) kinda surprised me though cuz he used to race alcohol carts (high powered go-carts) at 50+ mph. But he was really nervous driving on the road. He done a good job though once he got the hang of it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Here's Leesha working with the owner of Squirrels Den. She's putting the chocolate topping on her peanut butter cup.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Holiday weekend!

Making a quick post to say "happy holiday weekend everyone" and to wish a safe and enjoyable day tomorrow. We don't have anything planned so tomorrow is just "lazy day"

Have a blessed day :)
Tomorrow I'll have pics of Leesha and Robby to be put up

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Permit time

Well we are home (been home a couple of hours actually busy doing outside work). We now have another driver in the house! Of course he still has to be supervised. Mom's alittle in the dumps today her little boy is growing up and I can't do anything to slow down the process!
Just thought I'd let everyone know that he got his permit and to watch yourself on the roads now.

What a good time!

Last night Leesha and I went to the Squirrel's Den with her girl scout troop. This store sells everything chocolate. The girls had a great time learning about how chocolate is made and making a peanut butter cup and chocolate covered pretzel. Then they learned how to package up candy. This is the lady who owns the store, she is such a beautiful lady and she runs her store by her faith in Jesus. She taught the girls about the coca tree and how there is different flavors of chocolate. She was telling the girls that alot of places that sell chocolate buy several different flavors of chocolate and mix them together to get their unique flavor. She said that she went to a seminar and tasted some chocolate that tasted like ham! UH??? that don't sound good. I'll be back later to put up some photos of Leesha making her treats.
Hope ya have a blessed day, we are off to get a driving permit for Robby (please insert prayer here :))

Friday, May 22, 2009

My crafty creation :)

Here's the card that I made for one of the guys Charlie works with. Look at the sad face :(

the paper is from Hobby Lobby, I used the round flower petals for the eyes from doodle this from stampin up, I masked off all but the 2 round petals, I cut out the nose using a flower petal from my don juan cricut cartridge, the "hope you feel better is also cut out from don juan, the brads I bought along time ago so I have no idea where I got them, the smile I drew myself and then wrote smile in the middle. Hope ya like it Rick!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Good morning! I'm just making a quick post this morning but I'll be back this afternoon maybe with some cards that I want to make, but first I need to ask for a couple of prayer requests. 2 guys that Charlie works with need some prayers 1 had to have some infection drained from his private area yesturday so please pray for a speedy recovery for him and the other gentleman got a nose bleed on monday and they haven't been able to get it to completely stop so now he's in the hospital with a couple of tubes up his nose, please pray that the doctors can find out what the cause is and get him fixed up these 2 guys are hard working and just a pleasure to be around.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good morning world

Hello everyone. Glad ya stopped by to read my blog! I hope you are having a good day so far. I've got my boy at home today, it's hookey day with mom :). He said that he wanted to spend the day with his momma. Ok that melted my heart so of course he got to stay home. We are going to the christian book store this morning to look for some bibles for him and Leesha,paying some bills,eat lunch and get some groceries. WOW such a fun day with mom uh?hehehehehe.I've been looking around on split coast stampers trying to find something crafty, man do I loose track of time when I'm on that website! Charlie works with 2 guys who are sick so maybe I need to make them some get well cards, I think I'll do that this afternoon. I'll try to post em on here when I get them made.

Cya later!!!
Have a blessed day world.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Am I going crazy????

Hey there! I think I'm losing my mind :0 I've been trying to put some pics on a cd from my adobe photoshop, why aren't they corroperating???? I know that I'm not silly in the mind that I can't fiqure it out but tonight it's sure got me beat. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day

Introducing myself

Hello world :) I'm so thankful to be here. I've tried blogging earlier but I guess I lost my zip. So I'm doing it again. I'm a some what crafty person who likes to scrapbook, make cards and cook. I have a wonderful family my husband Charlie of 15 years and a 15 year old boy Robby and 9 year old girl Leesha. Just a warning for those who might read this blog---there will be posts that are happy, funny,straightfoward,just blogging and sad. So if you can handle alot of confussion then I hope ya enjoy reading. The biggest thing that I do is try to serve my Lord the way he wants me to by living my life the way he wants me too. Man that can be challenging sometimes with some of the things that the devil throws at ya but hey what don't kill us only makes us stronger right.

Have a blessed day and I'll see ya tomorrow
I'm going to work on my template now