Thursday, December 30, 2010
I will give a quick highlight of 2010, first and most importantly my 2 children gave their life to Jesus, my daughter in Janurary and my son in May. In June the 2 of them and their dad all got baptized! This happened the day after we came home from Alive 2010 (if you don't know what this is here is the website I have a few pictures up on my facebook page (taylortown community church life teen). My son (Robby) started driving, decided that he wanted to go the Pioneer JVS, had his first girlfriend and got to play some varsity football. He's had a year of alot of changes but he's adjusted well. My daughter (Leesha) is really doing good in school, since she entered school she has struggled every year, we held her back in 2nd grade thinking that we might have started her too soon. That helped for that year because she remembered alot of things that she had already learned, but when she hit 3rd grade her sturggles started all over again except this time she got tested for learning disabilities and it came back that she struggles with short term memory. She is now in the 4th grade and has an IEP teacher to help with her work and she is having a TERRIFIC year. We have went to church regularly this year and man oh man has God really worked in our lives! My marriage isn't even close to the way it used to be. I feel like I got divorced and married a new man, (which by the way I'm still married to the same one LOL). God has worked on Charlie and I so much that it's hard to believe we are the same people.
I was talking to a friend a while back and was telling her about being discouraged lately, I was teaching the teens class at my church (Taylortown Community Church) and it really just wasn't going as I had planned. The attendance consisted of just my 2 kids and maybe 1 other one if I was lucky. I got really discourage and just stopped teaching, then I got the idea of feeding the football team after the friday night home games (thinking that if I could just get them into the church then maybe just maybe some of them would start coming to sunday school and church) well that didn't workout either. Have you ever felt like you had a calling to do something and then when you stepped out to do it, it didn't work out? Well that's where I was at. I have to be honest about this, I'm thinking that for right now I my calling might have been taken aways for awhile, that may not make sense but I got a "righteous" when I started teaching and got an holyier than thou attitude. I'd like to say not a bad attitude but in God's eyes it wasn't a humble attitude. Proud is the word I've been looking for (had to sit here for awhile and try to think of it). So anyways a couple of months ago when my friend and I were talking I was telling her about my struggles and she recommended that I keep a record of it. That's where this blog is coming in. Everyday I find myself struggling! Trying to live a life that reflects God's love, doing the right things, saying the right things, reading my bible and so on. Why does itseem to get so overwhelming sometimes? How many times am I going to go around this mountain? My favorite saying is from Joyce Meyer, "I might not be where I should be, but Thank God I'm not where I used to be". Isn't that the truth!~ I don't want to be anywhere near where I used to be a few years ago. I was sooo lost and spent soo much time feeling confused, rying to be at peace. That's one of the reason why I felt the urge to help with the kids, so many of them are lost and confused and terrified on the inside. I watch Robby (17) trying to act like he's got it all together, trying to make decisions on his own, sometimes handling situations that he's just no able to handle by himself and he's not the only one I know, his friends are the same way. My heart just aches for these kids. I don't want any of them to have to wait until they are grown to have peace, that's my goal.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Oh my gosh!
Here's a few updates about church
1. My youth group went to Alive 2010 at Atwood lake near New Philidelphia Ohio. What an awesome weekend of worhip and praise! If you can at all attend a christian concert, please do so. They are so spiritually uplifting.
2. My son, daughter and husband were all baptized on June 27, 2010. God is performing miracles every second of everyday. It is really inspiring to see kids get baptized, go to the alter and etc.
3.We are getting ready to have a rummage/bake sale at church for our blessing box fund. Our church fills shoeboxes every fall and takes them down to another organization called Evanelistic Outreach, who then take them to the Appalachian Region for the needy. If you would like to get involved here is the list of items needed.
4. Our churches vacation bible school starts July 26th - 30th. We are having a Fun day on July 31st for the kids. Please come out and join us! Here is the link if you would like to sign your kids up
Updates about my family
Robby got his license in May! He's so excited about being able to drive. Always a big milestone in your life. He's been weight lifting all summer, getting ready for football. This week he's been working the little kids camp in the morning, weightlifting in the afternoon and then his captains practice in the evening. He's sure been busy!
Leesha played softball this summer, which she really enjoyed. Then she's spent most of her time swimming at her buddy Brycen's. I'm so thankful for the friends they both have. All are such great kids!
Charlie's hours have finally dropped a little for him at work. Thank God! He was working about 70 - 75 hours a week which is great financially but for the home life it really took a beating. I'm thankful that he cares so much about his family to try to spend enough time with us and make a good living.
As for me, well there's been alot going on. I'm now writing the newsletter for my church (which I'm really excited about). I'm still teaching sunday school for the teens, but we haven't had classes in about a month since I got my room tore up painting and such, but that's ok we all still keep in touch.
Right now I'm trying to fiqure out what it is God is calling me to do. Have you ever had so many ideas run through your head that you feel all foggy up there? Well that's me, there's so much I wanna do for my family at home and at church but I feel overwhelmed by it all. Pray for God to help me sort through the confusion and find the answers!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Being Lead!
Let me start back at age 16 when I got saved. I was the type of kid that didn't see any bad in anyone so I was hanging around people that my parents didn't approve of. I liked boys! So my mom called a pastor friend of hers and he came out to talk to me. Before he left he asked if I wanted to get saved. I thought "well if it makes me quit liking boys, YEAH!" the way I was treated made me feel as though something was wrong with me for liking boys and only God could fix me. So he had me pray a salvation prayer and I was saved! I went to church by myself in Lexington Ohio but I soon lost interest when I developed a crush on a boy at church and eventually quit going. Something must be wrong with me! God didn't cure my crushes on boys. I spent the next 2 years trying to cure myself, I finally gave up,and walked away from my faith. I questioned everything. Does God exist? Doesn't God want me? Apparently not since he didn't cure my "crushes".
During all this (my whole life actually) I felt this calling of some kind on my life. I always thought to myself, "how can you use me since I like boys?" Somewhere I lost myself. The best thing God did was make me a good mom! Even though I had walked away from Him, He never walked away from me! He always kept my conscience visible to make me the mom that I'am.
In 1999 God kept putting it on my heart when I would drive past this church that I needed to go here, that same year my gallbladder almost put me 6 feet under and I came home with a new look on life. I told my husband that I wanted to go to church because God is the only reason why I"m still here. We attended Taylortown Community Church in Shelby Ohio.
That same year I found out that I was pregnant with our daughter. We had her in April of 2000 and Charlie and I seperated in August of that same year. He had had an affair on me 2 years earlier and God was really working on him about it. We stayed seperated for a month and during that time, I could feel God's presence with me the whole time! He was telling me to stay with my husband. What???? Are you kidding me??? I wanted to run from this man as far as I could!
So that brings us back to my comfort zone.